Sunday, December 15, 2013

Santa troubles

I know I brag on Ben a lot. I have some people that ask , "Does he do anything wrong. I never see your post about melt downs, or just overall bad behavior." Of course the answer is yes. Sometimes he does talk back at times and he does have "difficult" days but these are rare and as soon we look at him sideways or say, "excuse me what did you just say" he apologizes and although sometimes sulkily starts to act better.

He never ceases to amaze me on how mature he can act. Last night we got to Bass Pro Shop at 5:45 to see Santa. Ben has been super excited and I figured we would have time since they closed at 8. As soon as we walked in I knew we were in trouble. The line wrapped around the building. I couldn't find the end. I love my children but a two hour line would not be good for anyone. They actually had closed the line because it would not be over by 8.

I slowly got down on Ben's level and preparing for tears I explained that the line was to long and we were not going to be able to see Santa tonight. I said, "Ben I am so sorry that I didn't bring you earlier but I promise we will come back on Monday night and see him right when he opens. You could tell he was let down but in true Ben fashion he said, "It's ok mom. It's not your fault. We can come back on Monday."

I honestly wanted to cry. Most kids would have thrown their self on  the ground, given the silent treatment , or at least yelled. Not mine. He simply said, "Can we still have popcorn?"

So our night was still fun. He got some popcorn and fudge and looked at boats. I know God puts certain traits in people for reasons that we are unaware of and I am truly excited to see what he has in store for Ben. I love that little boy!

Friday, December 13, 2013

The missing car

With all the different medicines Im on and the week hospital stay my sleep cycle has been minimal at best. I usually sleep for about two hours at night and maybe get an hour nap during the day. I don't necessarily feel bad but I think its making me a little scatter

Today Ben asked to bring a small hot wheel car to school to play with on the bus. Apparently that's what all his friends are doing and he promised not to get it out at school so I agreed. He had it sitting by his cereal bowl at the kitchen table. It was time for the bus to come so I put his jacket and toboggan on and started to grab his car for him. I couldn't find it anywhere. I looked for two or three minutes while he patiently waited by the door. Finally I said , "Ben you might have to get another car I cant find it anywhere." He said, "mom you already gave it to me. You put it in my hat before you put it on my head." and then he took off his hat and showed me the car. I started laughing and asked why he didn't say anything when I put it on his head. He shrugged and said, " I don't know I figured you didn't want me to lose it before I got on the bus. It wasn't going to get lost in my toboggan."

Well at least we found the car. Hopefully my sleep will return shortly before I send the poor boy to school with play dough in his lunch box.