Friday, September 14, 2012

I want to see Heaven

Last night Ben and I were putting up garage sale signs and he wanted to get out and help. It was dark and I was close to the road so I told him he needed to stay in the car.
"But mom why do I have to stay in the car?" he said in true four year old fashion. I explained that a car could hit him if he stepped in the road and I'd rather him be safe in the car.
"Will I die if I get hit by a car mom? Cause if I did die I would see heaven , right? And that would be ok because I'm excited to see heaven but I would miss you." I'd rather not get hit by a car tho so I'll stay in the car.

I explained that I wanted him to live a long long time and he would get to see heaven later but right now I needed him to stay with me as long as possible.

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Friday, September 7, 2012

The show and tell fiasco

On Fridays Ben has show and tell at school. It's early in the morning so sometimes he doesn't make it there in time. Today he asked me to get him there extra early so he could participate.

He looked for the perfect toy and finally decided to bring his bat plane. I dropped him off early and went to work.

When I got home I asked him if he had fun at show and tell. He explained that apparently they were only suppose to bring toys that started with m so the teacher would not let get his toy out of his backpack. He said, "I cried and cried because I was the only one who didn't get to show a toy." He then got in trouble for crying and had to sit in time out.

The teacher informed Ben's grandparents that a sheet went out on Monday explaining the letter of the week. Since Ben does not go on Monday's I never got this sheet because they did not put one in his cubby.

I don't think I've ever been more sad and mad at the same time. I don't understand how a teacher could disappoint a 4yr old like that.

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