Monday, August 26, 2013

This morning as I was packing Ben's snack he asked me for two lucky charm cereal bars. I asked him why he needed two and he said his friend really wanted to try one. Since he was being nice and sharing I put two in the bag.

Once he got home I asked him lots of questions about his day. I asked him who he sat by at lunch and his response made me smile. He said, "well I sat by a girl today. She's really beautiful to me. That means really pretty. I also sat by her at lunch. We shared our snack together. She was happy when I gave her my extra bar."

He's already noticing the pretty girls. I'm in trouble. 😍

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Location:Beautiful girls

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

School bus bliss and rectangle pizza

Well the first day of riding the school bus was a success. The bus stop is about three houses past our house. I was standing at the bus stop when I saw Ben stand up and start talking to the
driver. Once he was off the bus I asked him what he was saying.
"I told him he passed my house. I recognized the cross on the door and I didn't want him to drop me off way down the street because I didn't want to walk."
He said he loved riding the bus and it wasn't hot like I said it would be :)

As we were walking home I asked him if he liked the school pizza today. I almost laughed when he described the pizza. "Mom the pizza was a rectangle it wasn't shaped in a circle. It looked weird. I told the lunch lady I didn't want any peas but she put them on my plate anyways. It all looked odd so I just ate the cheese off of the pizza."
All in all he had a good day. I hope the rest of the week continues to go well

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Second day tears

From the title I'm sure most people thought the tears were Ben's but actually they were mine

Since Ben was three he has always wanted to ride the school bus. I remember when he did tumblebus in pre k he would come home and tell me he wished he could ride it somewhere.

I was hoping he would let me take him to and from school since I'm now staying at home. At least for a month or so. As soon as he got in the car yesterday he reminded me that he really wanted to ride the bus. One of his best friend got to get on the bus and Ben did not want to miss out today.

So first thing this morning I got him a bus number and I'm going to let him try the bus out. I tried to make a compromise and asked if he could ride in the morning and let me pick him up in the afternoon. Ben said, "mom ill see you as soon as I get home. Please let me ride."

I know he will do great because most of the kids on his bus are young and it's only a 15 min ride. The bus actually gets to my house earlier than I got home from carpool (I wAs in the line 45 min yesterday.) He will get picked up a little after 7 which is when we leave in the morning.

As I was driving home it hit me that he is growing up so fast. I know he is very independent so I'm learning to step back a little more everyday. I will definitely savor every snuggle and every bedtime story.

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Sunday, August 18, 2013

The night before Kindergarten

Wow. I can not believe Ben is starting Kindergarten tomorrow. It seems like just yesterday I was bringing him home from the hospital. I am happy to say that over the last five years he has grown into a very smart, independent, funny young man.

Tonight as we were sitting at the table I asked him if he was excited about tomorrow. He said, "Yes mam I am excited. Im a little nervous but thats ok because I know everyone is the first day of doing something new. Weren't you nervous the first day mom? Im just glad that now I dont have to run errands with you as much, like the grocery store. I like the cookie but I dont really enjoy the shopping part."

I told him that since he was starting big boy school we had to have a strict bed time and be in bed by 8. He never complained. At 740 we went upstairs and he brushed his teeth. When he was done he actually remembered to use his mouth wash and amazingly get a wet wipe and wipe off all the toothpaste from the sink like I showed him how to do. Im so proud of him. Earlier today I was shocked to see him pick up every toy on his floor before he came down to eat. I asked him why he picked up and he looked at me and said, "Well you always tell me to pick up my room before I leave and go to another room. I actually remembered this time."

Days like this make all the hard times of teaching him these things worth it. I remember the nights when he was still a toddler that I had to leave him in his bed crying so that he would learn to go to sleep on his own. I always hated leaving him but it is so nice to have him lay down when I say to go to sleep read him a book and walk away knowing there will be no tears and he will fall asleep shortly.

Another thing we started tonight was kneeling by the bed to pray. We have done this a few times but mainly we pray laying down in the bed before I leave. Im blessed to have these times with him.

I am so excited about this school year. I know Ben will do great. I am looking forward to sharing his adventures with everyone.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Daddy lets play work

I've always known Michael was a wonderful father but tonight he went the extra mile. He has already worked close to 70 hrs this week. Once we got home from meet the teacher he ate dinner and changed into comfy clothes.
During this time Ben went to his room and put his suit on. He came downstairs and said, "Daddy will you put your dress clothes on so we can play work." Michael could easily have said no or maybe later but instead he went upstairs put his work clothes back on and made a desk for Ben in his office so they could go to "work".
So blessed Ben has such a wonderful man to call Daddy.

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