Monday, August 27, 2012

Clean room

Tonight as I was fixing dinner I went to check on Ben in his room. He was busy playing with all of his superhero houses and all if his cars. His floor was covered with toys. I told him to make sure he picked up all his toys before dinner time.
About ten minutes later I called to Ben to let him know it was time to eat. He came running down the steps in a few minutes. I went upstairs and not only was everything picked up but everything was in the proper place. Cars with cars, superheroes all together, even all the Mr potato parts were in the right bag.
Ben came up behind me as I was staring at what was a huge mess ten minutes ago. "What you looking at Mom?" I told him I was impressed with his room and he said, "well I'm big now so I know how to keep my room clean." Those word were music to my ears.
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Saturday, August 25, 2012

The roach incident

Tonight Ben and I decided to go Downstairs for a late night snack. I was going down the stairs and I noticed something dark in the middle of the stairs. I turned on the lights and noticed a huge roach in the middle of a step.

I have to mention i hate roaches. Once when I was a lifeguard one jumped off my stand into my hair. All the swimmers thought I was crazy because I couldn't stop screaming.

So I really don't like to get close to roaches because I've seen them jump and I also hate stepping on them because the crunching noise grosses me out.

Ben ran to my closet and got a shoe. "Here mom, throw this at it. It will make him get off the steps." Why not I thought to myself. I threw the shoe and all it did was make it climb higher toward us. I had a towel in my hand so I put it over it and tried to step on the roach. As my foot was coming down the roach ran out of the towel and started running away. Of course I screamed because it's me and bugs make me scream. Ben looked at me and said, "mom let's face it when it comes to roaches your not brave this situation needs a brave person not afraid of bugs. Let's close the bedroom door and wait on daddy." The way he said it was hilarious. I laughed and laughed.

Long story short we killed the roach:)

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Friday, August 24, 2012

Not scared

Ben has been looking forward to the movie Paranorman for some time now. He is definitely true boy. He loves anything that has ghost, zombies, or any other gross scary thing involved. He of course loved the movie. It's definitely not a movie for a child that scares easily because there were parts that creeped me out.

We got home about 9 and all of the lights were out. For some reason the motion sensor light above the garage was not coming on. Ben said, "Mom lets play outside for awhile." I have to admit when Michael is not home at night I'm usually locked inside with all the dogs. I told Ben that it was late and we should go in. He breathed out heavily in frustration and said, "Mom dont worry Zombies are not real they were only in the movie. I would play out here by myself but you've always told me I can't because a bad man might grab me. You remember? So if you stay out here we will both be safe because there are no zombies and you can keep bad people away."

Needless to say we came in and had a bowl of ice team instead.

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Saturday, August 18, 2012

Conversation with a hairdresser

Tonight at the mall I decided to get Ben's hair cut since he is way overdo. He was hoping that we would not find one that was open because he didn't want to go. The first one we went to said the first appointment they had available was August 28th. The second place said they were about to close so they were not doing any walk ins. Finally we went to Regis and they had no one waiting. I imagine because they were the most expensive.
A really nice lady said she would be glad to cut Ben's hair. Ben hung his head and said, "I was really hoping you would say no." He slowly made his way to the chair and looked like the saddest boy in the world. She was so sweet. Within minutes she had him talking about star wars and telling her about his day. Once he was happy she said,"Ben what are we going to do with your hair?" He looked at her with a confused look ,"How do you know my name." She smiled and said,"I'm smart." He nodded and without a pause said," Oh your smart like me. I know all my colors, shapes, and numbers. I'm really smart. Not everyone is smart like us. I'm glad your smart too." I think he may be a little smug.

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Thursday, August 16, 2012

"Mom, I got married!"

Today as we were all talking about our week Ben informed us that he has gotten married to Kinley. I asked when he did this and his response ," There was one day that I had a smiley face so I got to play outside. That's when we got married. We held hands and we are thinking about having kids." I said, "oh so is she going to be your only girlfriend/wife? "
"No mom (with a look on his face) daddy says I can have lots of girlfriends!"
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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Im a grandma

This afternoon Ben said , "mamma I have to go check on my kids. Come with me." I went with him to his bedroom and he had his three large stuffed Animals tucked in his covers. He said, "I'm their mom so I have to keep checking on them." I explained that since he was a boy he could be their daddy. At first he didn't like that because apparently he feels like mamma's are nicer and did not understand why he couldn't be a momma.
I let it drop but I did notice that he started referring to himself as He took them to the pretend park and on a picnic. He then rolled one down the stairs and explained he was really fast.
He told me that I was the grandma so I could take them to Walmart later and dairy queen.

This lasted about 30min and now he went from being a nice pretend daddy to his stuffed animals

to a viscous warrior who is about to stab his enemy.(he gave all his "kids" weapons to help in the battle) His play time is anything but boring:)

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Monday, August 13, 2012


Ben really likes the number 24 for some reason. He always ask things like, "Mom is my nap going to be 24minutes?" or "When will you be home, like in 24 hours." Today we are watching Jake and the Neverland Pirates and one of the characters starting counting the gold coins they had collected. She stopped at the number 8 and Ben said, "Oh man I really wanted them to get 24. They never get 24."

Moments later Ben came up to me and said, "Mom will you put the number 24 on your van. Because I really like the number."I asked where he would like me to put the number and he explained he would like it on the very front then I could be a race van. I already like to drive fast so this way I could be a race

I  told him that we couldn't put it on my van but we would make a 24 out of paper and put on his wall if he wants. He said, "Oh yes , that sounds like a good idea Momma."

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

"Mom, let's talk"

Last night Ben was coughing and asked for something warm to drink. Michael made him some hot chocolate and I made myself some hot tea. Ben then climbed into a chair and said, "mom let's talk. You like to talk about our day so let's do that now." I sat at the table and then he started telling me all about his day. He explained that there was a girl named Elizabeth in his new class. She has blond hair, he thinks blonds are his favorite right now. At that I said, "Ben I have brown hair do you not like brown hair?" He laughed and said, "Oh mamma your silly, of course I like brown hair. I like your hair in a circle and when it's shaped like a rectangle."

We talked for a little longer about his friends in his new class and then he said ,"Mamma I have some questions for you." I told him that I will answer them the best I could. His questions were the following: Did I go to the hospital when he came out of my tummy? Why do kids go to school? What are we doing tomorrow? Why do some girls in his class act like they don't like him?

I love our talks. I hope he will continue to enjoy them as well. He's very caring because some night I know all he wants to play but he still sits down most nights and talks to me about our day.

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