Thursday, November 14, 2013

Big hug for me

Ben was very excited about today and tomorrow because I am helping out with his class. Today I helped them all make their Indian shirts and tomorrow I'm helping the other room mom watch the class for an hour while the teacher enjoys her appreciation lunch.
Ben said, " Mom I'm going to call you mom. Ok? Not Mrs Long. Is that ok? If you need help with anything just let me know. I can tell you when bathroom brakes are and show you were Mrs Conn keeps stuff. And when I see you I'm going to give you a big hug. I know some kids may laugh but I don't care. Your my mom and I can hug you if I want. "
And sure enough as soon as I told him hello today he gave me a big hug and whispered, "I'm really glad your here!" He makes me so happy.

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Monday, November 11, 2013

Life with children

Last night Michael and I stayed up late watching White House Down. I think I fell asleep around 1230. Just like clockwork Elijah woke up for the first time around 1245. I truly believe he loves to sleep, just not when I He is an absolute wonderful baby but he does not like to sleep all night. Of course I can't really complain because as far as babies go he is the most laid back easy baby I know. So I had my usual 1230, 2, and 5 get up times. He finally decided he liked to sleep at 515. At 730 Ben comes in after apparently playing in his room for 30 minutes or so and says, "Mom are you going to sleep all morning or are we going to have some fun today." So with heavy eyes I fix me a cup of coffee and play board games for an hour. Im glad we had some time together before Eli got up because  he is one of the funniest kids I know.

The other night we were making those popular rubber band bracelets and as we finished with one called the rainbow ladder he remarked, "You know mom this one kind of looks like a train track. It reminds me of the book freight train by Donald Crews." I had to laugh because he sounded really educated at that instant for a 5yr old. They study an author every week so I'm glad he actually pays attention. 

That same day we were sitting on the couch and Ben says, "Hey mom I know what we can do sometime. We can go to the kitchen and get two bowls and go to the city. ( At this point Im wondering where this story is going.) Then we can stand on the corner hold our bowls out and I bet people will put money in them. I had to explain those people do that because they don't have any money and it's not fun for them. 

Kids truly do say the craziest things. Every day is an adventure with these two.  

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Porkchops in the toilet

Tonight was a first for Ben. Michael was working late so Ben and I were eating dinner around 6. Eli was playing in the living room. He was taking forever to eat his dinner so I told him I was going to feed the dogs and when I got back I wanted the last few bites to be gone. (Don't feel sorry for him. He only had 1/2 of a pork chop, a cheese stick and 4 grapes he had to eat)
 As I was feeding the dogs in the basement I heard the toilet flush and I knew immediately what he had done. I came upstairs and saw him playing with Eli. I asked him if he finished his dinner. His response was, "It's all gone." (Which technically that wasn't a lie because it was gone, down the sewer.) I looked at him for a minute and asked him if he had flushed his dinner down the toilet. Well the poor boy knows I hate lies so he immediately starts crying and apologizing. 
I talked to him a few minutes about why he did what he did and then I sent him to bed. I could tell he was exhausted since he had been yawning since 4. As I was putting him in bed I explained that what he did was wrong but I was very proud of him telling me the truth. He fell asleep about two minutes after I left the room so hopefully tomorrow he will wake up in a good mood :)