Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Porkchops in the toilet

Tonight was a first for Ben. Michael was working late so Ben and I were eating dinner around 6. Eli was playing in the living room. He was taking forever to eat his dinner so I told him I was going to feed the dogs and when I got back I wanted the last few bites to be gone. (Don't feel sorry for him. He only had 1/2 of a pork chop, a cheese stick and 4 grapes he had to eat)
 As I was feeding the dogs in the basement I heard the toilet flush and I knew immediately what he had done. I came upstairs and saw him playing with Eli. I asked him if he finished his dinner. His response was, "It's all gone." (Which technically that wasn't a lie because it was gone, down the sewer.) I looked at him for a minute and asked him if he had flushed his dinner down the toilet. Well the poor boy knows I hate lies so he immediately starts crying and apologizing. 
I talked to him a few minutes about why he did what he did and then I sent him to bed. I could tell he was exhausted since he had been yawning since 4. As I was putting him in bed I explained that what he did was wrong but I was very proud of him telling me the truth. He fell asleep about two minutes after I left the room so hopefully tomorrow he will wake up in a good mood :)

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