Wednesday, August 1, 2012

"Mom, let's talk"

Last night Ben was coughing and asked for something warm to drink. Michael made him some hot chocolate and I made myself some hot tea. Ben then climbed into a chair and said, "mom let's talk. You like to talk about our day so let's do that now." I sat at the table and then he started telling me all about his day. He explained that there was a girl named Elizabeth in his new class. She has blond hair, he thinks blonds are his favorite right now. At that I said, "Ben I have brown hair do you not like brown hair?" He laughed and said, "Oh mamma your silly, of course I like brown hair. I like your hair in a circle and when it's shaped like a rectangle."

We talked for a little longer about his friends in his new class and then he said ,"Mamma I have some questions for you." I told him that I will answer them the best I could. His questions were the following: Did I go to the hospital when he came out of my tummy? Why do kids go to school? What are we doing tomorrow? Why do some girls in his class act like they don't like him?

I love our talks. I hope he will continue to enjoy them as well. He's very caring because some night I know all he wants to play but he still sits down most nights and talks to me about our day.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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