Saturday, July 7, 2012


For the past year Ben has started paying attention to commercials and he's the perfect audience because of course most everything on the cartoon network is geared for kids. Most of the time he'll say "Mom that looks really cool will you put that on my Christmas list for Santa." I agree and he often forgets about it until something else comes on that interest him.

Tonight we are watching cartoons in bed and a commercial for tortilla bowls comes on after his cartoon goes off. I'm not really paying attention to the tv when all of a sudden Ben yells , "Mom you got to see this. I think you will like it. It's a bowl and it's a tortilla. Like, you can eat it after you eat your food. And look. They put ice cream in that tortilla bowl. You like tacos . Right? They said you could put taco stuff in it like meat , cheese , and that green stuff you like. What's it called? Oh yeah , Lettuce. That's right. 

He was quite for a minute then he added, "Oh yeah, you get four of them. So you dont have to wash them all the time. You can use one a day and not have to wash till later. I think they give you one free. So maybe you get five. That's a really good deal mom. And it's only 19.99 I think . I forgot because its gone off. But it's not expensive. We have enough money if you really want them mom. They have a call number you can call them. 

Nothing gets past this boy. I should let them have him as their  salesman:)

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